Shandong Star Rising Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd
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Fermentation equipment

  Fermentation equipment

The fermentation equipment produced by Shandong Star Rising Machinery Technology Co. , Ltd. is to ferment livestock and poultry manure (chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure) and fermentation bacteria mixed into the fermentation equipment, the use of microbial activity, by decomposing and decomposing the organic matter in animal manure, all kinds of harmful bacteria and pathogens can be killed and converted into organic fertilizer raw materials, which can realize the harmless treatment and resource utilization of animal manure. Compared with the traditional compost fermentation technology, the intelligent high-temperature aerobic fermentation equipment has the following advantages: 1. High mechanization, high integration, full use of space, small footprint, low investment cost: 2, Project Automation, high degree of mechanization, one person can complete the whole fermentation process, to avoid direct contact between people and materials; 3, the use of high-temperature aerobic biological fermentation technology, using the activity of microorganism to decompose and decompose the organic matter in the organic waste, the energy consumption of the equipment is low, and the cost of per ton treatment is low. 4. The main body of the equipment adopts the heat preservation design, and is equipped with the auxiliary heating system, the equipment can run normally in low temperature environment, which solves the influence of environment temperature on the fermentation process. 5. The odor produced in the fermentation process can be collected and treated in a centralized way, which greatly reduces the influence on the environment. The odor produced by traditional compost fermentation can not be effectively treated, which seriously affects the lives of the surrounding residents: 6. The main body of the equipment is made of stainless steel, which is resistant to material corrosion and has a long service life; 7. The process is in line with the national industrial policy of green economy, recycling economy, scientific development, energy saving and emission reduction 8. The material after treatment can be used for soil improvement and landscaping, dry processing of organic fertilizer can also be used to achieve harmless treatment and resource-based utilization.

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